Proposed Presidential Response:
With regard to economic theory:
The idea of “Perfect Competition” is something that does not work in the real world. It is a “theory” which requires something known as the invisible hand of the market to equal out the playing field. This to me is a type of Social Darwinism which does not include a compassionate view of fellow human beings. At our level of technological and scientific advancement I believe that human beings are capable of creating a more just and modern society through combined efforts to allow everyone a decent standard of living. My opponent tries to use scare tactics by labeling this with words from the past; words that corporations have spent millions of promotional dollars to “tag” as negative. You know what those words are; I do not have to repeat them here. I do know that my goals do not include pitting one group of people against the other. My ideas do not include creating a pool of low wage workers for corporations to exploit. In my opinion~ that is exactly what Mr. Romney and his corporate supporters are trying to create. I want all Americans to stand with me against these social planning strategies that my opponents economic policies are devised to implement.
The idea of “Perfect Competition” is something that does not work in the real world. It is a “theory” which requires something known as the invisible hand of the market to equal out the playing field. This to me is a type of Social Darwinism which does not include a compassionate view of fellow human beings. At our level of technological and scientific advancement I believe that human beings are capable of creating a more just and modern society through combined efforts to allow everyone a decent standard of living. My opponent tries to use scare tactics by labeling this with words from the past; words that corporations have spent millions of promotional dollars to “tag” as negative. You know what those words are; I do not have to repeat them here. I do know that my goals do not include pitting one group of people against the other. My ideas do not include creating a pool of low wage workers for corporations to exploit. In my opinion~ that is exactly what Mr. Romney and his corporate supporters are trying to create. I want all Americans to stand with me against these social planning strategies that my opponents economic policies are devised to implement.
I believe in the greatness of the
United States because I believe in the unique potential of each American. My policies reflect this belief. The
time is upon us to renew America. By investing
in our people through education and access to quality healthcare for all, in
every stage of life. By investing in our infrastructure through mobilizing and
modernizing our resources of energy, transportation and communication
technologies. Making these changes will help to create a more powerful and positive environment which
encourages each human person to reach their brightest potential. It is my
opinion and my earnest belief that this will lead to greater health, wealth and
happiness for every citizen.
Predictable Romney Reply: I don’t
know what you are talking about Mr. President...
Proposed Presidential (quick) Rebuttal:
Here you go again trying to pull a fast one over on the American people.
That is what I do not like or respect about you Mr. Romney. And that is why I
must continue with my administration for another 4 years.
Proposed Presidential Closing Remarks:
I am asking
the people of America to vote for me and to also vote out the Republicans in
Congress and the State Administrations who have caused so much economic harm to
our country during my first term in office with their austerity agenda and
political stonewalling. Together we can make the changes needed to create a
better society for all Americans. How do we do this? We must make sure
Republicans are not re-elected to Congress.
Why is this important? I will tell
you. During my first term I have witnessed, and maybe so have you if you have
been paying attention, something I did not want to believe, but it happened. It
is shameful how Republicans have worked together to harm the American people
and the American economy, the world economy for that matter. Because what we do
here in the United States does have ramifications throughout the world.
Republican stonewalling on many of my proposals especially the jobs bill has
caused poverty to metastasize. The policies I have proposed are evidence that
despite their worst efforts to hinder an economic recovery, I have managed to keep
economic conditions in our country from getting worse and we have seen some
improvements. I am confident my policies are moving America Forward where as
Republican policies promise to move us backward to darker days for everyone. For
everyone except people like my opponent Mr. Romney who make-up a tiny minority
now commonly referred to as the 1%.
I say this because I
know for a fact most of you do not live the lifestyle my opponent was fortunate
enough to inherit for himself. I do not agree with the way he has been able to avoid paying
his fair share of taxes especially when I see all of you struggling. I do not
agree with Mr. Romney and others in the Republican Party who shame people for
not being able to find a job or for accepting help from food stamps. I know how
hard it is to live in a society that has high economic inequality. For most people it can mean a life filled with too much difficulty and uncertainty. The policies put forth by Republicans and supported and promoted by Mr. Romney will
only serve to widen the income gap between the haves and the have-nots. I am asking you to stand with me and I will
continue to do all I can so that America becomes a place of opportunity again,
for everyone ~ and not just for people like Mr. Romney.
Written By Stephanie J. Gilley
Written By Stephanie J. Gilley
Stephanie - terrific post. The attempt to put trickle down, Hayekian economics on us began in the Reagan administration, and we see that it not only doesn't work, it is what has caused so much financial pain to the people of this country. On this topic, here is a reply I gave to a Libertarian (those are the ones who want to instill this pernicious system on us). Like most of them, he is a pseudointellectual who attempts to portray his ideology as about "freedom" and something innocent and benign. You know very much the truth about that nonsense. Just thought I would share it with you, since we are on the same wavelength. Your post was a joy to read and made me feel less like I am screaming into the wind. Jan
the government that has been in place at least 75 years is being destroyed, and defense and infrasrtucture is not government's only concern, no matter what some small band of insatiable, materially surfeited and morally depleted ubermenschen may proclaim. Libertarianism is merely a rationalization for Narcissism, which is a pathology of extreme social non-integration of the ego (as are all personality disorders), grandiosity, entitlement, lack of empathy and, as with most pathological people, is assumed by them to be based on human nature. It is not. They are delusional, though not in the psychotic sense; they do have their wits about them and their beliefs don't come from sever brain disorders, but rather from severe inability to allow themselves the necessary vulnerability required for a healthy life. I have never met a libertarian who did not have those characteristics - closed off, obsessed with material gain, isolated, and with a superior and entitled persona. Contempt for their fellows is also normal among libertarians.
I have studied Hobbes, Hayek, Rand, Nozick, and the entire bunch and find most of them deeply motivated by paranoia, with the exception of Nozick, who in fact repudiated the bulk of the ideology later in life, recognizing it's social incompatibility and repudiating his excellent though sophistic logic (along with the powerful thinker Hobbes,Nozick was the only other true philosopher of the bunch, a colleague of Quine and Rawls). Hobbes, of course, was not a libertarian, he had another way of approaching the solution to the "Warre of all against all" - a (hopefully benevolent) tyrant. But the Libertarian's roots, his sense of isolation and non-responsibility towards any but himself, was Hobbes's dilemma. The denial of social duties is the denial of one's equality with one's fellow man, and as such the denial of justice. Our governments should be concerned with true human concerns, of which war and infrastructure are not the sole ones.
Rand and Hayek were DPs who had deep psychological scars from the Bolshevik revolution and the post WWI Austrian economic collapse respectively. They have always been marginal thinkers, with Hayek spending most of his life being ridiculed for his metaphysical models of pure economics by practical and effective economists of the Keynesian school, models that failed to include the fact that human beings, in all their psychic complexity and unpredictableness were in fact a necessary factor in making economic predictions. Even the University of Chicago, who took him on as a professor as a favor to a faculty member who sponsored him, refused to put him in the Economics department for fear of taint on its reputation. so the put him elsewhere where he stayed on until retiring with medicare and social security; finally, he went back to Austria because its welfare state was even more inclusive than ours. Ms. Rand, the uberwench, also had a love affair with our welfare system in her dotage. Hayek's receiving the Nobel was a scandal and put a spot on the reputation of the prize. The extreme puerility of Ayn Rand and her merry band of present day acolytes is merely a sign of arrested emotional development rather than serious political economics. The whole concept of libertarianism is adolescent and self-serving, and that it has such an upsurge is not really surprising: we live in uncertain times and people are insecure. They are ripe to buy anything that feeds into their egos, giving them a sense of power and control. I really haven't met a pure Libertarian ideologue who isn't more concerned with doing whatever it takes to bring the United States Government down and make this into a pure military state that serves its corporations and the profit motive. That's why present day libertarians gladly pander to the religious right; But this is just parasites calling other people parasites, trying to invest themselves with a sense of superiority and grandeur that to most normal people is just risibly pathetic. It would be laughable were it not for the huge amounts of money such people as the Kochs spend to try to purchase the country and redefine it in their own image. Look at Paul Ryan trying to spew Ayn Rand and be the pious Christian his party requires of him. That is the alliance, in all its stupendous absurdity, writ large and pathetic. That is the problem with democracy - it allows often fatal openings for its enemies. We are a social species and expect social input and responsibility from all for all. I won't argue it, since I have done so with many libertarians and they all hold the same attitude, that their self-centered perspective is the way of nature. The government that I understand to be legitimate is under attack as we speak, and Libertarians do intend in their own proclamations, to destroy it. they have no moral core except in their own perverse belief that morality is only about one's self. that is in fact incorrect, and to feel so is narcissism, pure and simple. I know all the arguments, but they are based on what I understand to be false axioms, thus the reasoning is unsound and fallacious. Just my brief statement and I have no desire to debate it any further. I know where you stand. I have no desire to persuade you otherwise. Good luck to you and your cause. I will fight it tooth and nail at the balloting station.
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