

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Unfair Work Expectations Affecting Human Females

     The point is... many Moms don't have a choice, they have to work outside the home to keep a roof over their kids heads. Unfortunately, women are making only an average of 77 cents to the dollar of what a man makes for the same work. While they are also tasked with raising up the next generation (no small feat). No, women should not be required to be a homemaker rearing children her whole life. She should have the opportunity to have a career and other interests beyond the home. 
     But what women are faced with is a dual role where they want to be the best at both. Often in our country because of the lack of interest (as a society) in supporting the Mothering Role, it can easily become humanly impossible. And who do you suppose is expected to take a backseat to the career pressures? The woman, (her health, her time for herself, her household environment) and her children. This is unacceptable and in no way is it the fault of women. Women are subjected to a hostile misogynist American society that pretends they must behave like men in order to "prove" they are equal. (Which IMHO is insane and ridiculous). 
     Everywhere you look in America there are government funded jobs programs geared specifically for men. The Military is just one. The up coming infrastructure projects to the tune of a Trillion+ is another. When working mothers need help to pay for daycare or food, all we hear is crying from supposed "capitalist men". That people should be able to feed their own children or work even harder to do so. For mothers do they mean work harder at dead end jobs with 'unfriendly-to-family' work schedules? Harder at jobs that undercut workers pay because they happen to not have a penis?
    I mean really, women have been in the work force for how long now? We still have only one real career option that works well with kids school schedules, that's being a teacher. Not every woman wants to be a teacher and besides they haven't been hiring teachers since Obama's been in office. REALITY PEOPLE, WE NEED TO LIVE IN REALITY. 
     Many women want to have children, they shouldn't be required to be married to do so. They shouldn't be penalized economically for not having a husband. With the violent crime and rape statistics in this country 6 of every 10 women will have experienced a rape in her lifetime. Is it really so hard to understand why some women  don't want a husband? That maybe some have been so traumatized they find it hard to want to trust a man? With the number of men into pornography, guns, drugs is it so difficult to understand why some women can't find a man or have given up trying to find a man suitable to have in their home around their children?
     I suggest the government spend some time and money creating jobs for women who want summers off for raising their children and evening and weekends off to do the same. Do we really want to steal summers from our children to work a job that could care less about your well-being? Why are there no great paying jobs that are 5 hours 5 days a week while kids are in school? Again, how long have women been in the work force? How long have women been producing, raising, loving, mothering the next generation of the only intelligent beings we know of in the whole universe? Since men rule the world it makes me wonder if they are jealous of women for some reason. Why else would they make things so unnecessarily difficult for us?

Written by Stephanie J. Gilley

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