The ways of the 1% do not serve humanity. The monetary system exploits mankind and promotes every kind of evil and destructive force in order to maintain its structure. The ones that benefit the most from it seem the furthest away from the very things that have contributed to human evolution. Cooperation, empathy, and problem solving skills (based on real problems as opposed to purposely created problems). Not to mention a sense of regard for all stages of human development of all genders over the lifespan.
You see, human beings are in an almost constant state of metamorphosis, not uncommon to many animals on this planet. Currently the systems we are all forced to endure cater mostly to males with the highest testosterone levels. Those that obtain wealth and power during this relatively short time frame of human development, can live long to wreak havoc on the rest of us. They do so by shaping society when influencing politicians into making laws that suit their desires. This is not natural nor is it healthy for our species or our planet.
Basically this 'System' exploits men most of all. Getting them to agree to behave as workers and soldiers for the cause of the unscrupulous few. We see that overall happiness, contentment, love, honor, safety, and intellectual development towards wisdom for males is not being nurtured. In every sense it is being stolen from them. All of these in large part stolen, and replaced with false desires, instantaneous gratification, and unhealthy avenues to express some sense of control in a world severely out of balance. Instead of each man being his own vessel of honor, dignity, strength and wisdom (the natural stages of psychological development for human males) most are left wondering at some point, what the real purpose of life is. Serving a societal framework that seems like it becomes more false everyday, more on the brink of collapse than in a state of purposeful evolution towards something meaningful? Dedication to a society that's more and more exclusionary and anti-ecological than sustaining of the glorious diversity so necessary for the continuation of all life on our planet?
You see, human beings are in an almost constant state of metamorphosis, not uncommon to many animals on this planet. Currently the systems we are all forced to endure cater mostly to males with the highest testosterone levels. Those that obtain wealth and power during this relatively short time frame of human development, can live long to wreak havoc on the rest of us. They do so by shaping society when influencing politicians into making laws that suit their desires. This is not natural nor is it healthy for our species or our planet.
Basically this 'System' exploits men most of all. Getting them to agree to behave as workers and soldiers for the cause of the unscrupulous few. We see that overall happiness, contentment, love, honor, safety, and intellectual development towards wisdom for males is not being nurtured. In every sense it is being stolen from them. All of these in large part stolen, and replaced with false desires, instantaneous gratification, and unhealthy avenues to express some sense of control in a world severely out of balance. Instead of each man being his own vessel of honor, dignity, strength and wisdom (the natural stages of psychological development for human males) most are left wondering at some point, what the real purpose of life is. Serving a societal framework that seems like it becomes more false everyday, more on the brink of collapse than in a state of purposeful evolution towards something meaningful? Dedication to a society that's more and more exclusionary and anti-ecological than sustaining of the glorious diversity so necessary for the continuation of all life on our planet?
We are all aware enough now to realize that the Human Species exists within an organic ecosystem. This is big. Another thing we need to keep in mind is that we are a transformational biological life form, that when in its most expressive state of health, acknowledges and is aware of the preciousness of all stages of our metamorphosis from conception to death. It is unfortunate that we are not being allowed to express our evolved potential in this current paradigm. Because our societies are designed and dictated by the 1% and their various monopolizing entities.
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