

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Incestuous Nature of Capitalism

     Perpetuating problems to turn a profit is the incestuous nature of Capitalism. Social problems are needed in order to capitalize on the privatization of public institutions. Which are in place to deal with issues many people have been convinced will never be solved. Some even surmise that the more people we have on Earth the more these institutions for public services will be needed. Never considering that with the advancements in science and technology many of our social ills are clearly capable of being greatly minimized using preventative methods. Social sciences like public health, utilizing research in epidemiology, biology, psychology, environmental and neurological sciences have discovered that many of the issues labeled as a permanent part of the human condition are actually quite preventable.
      Today we witness private mainstream media corporations exploiting social problems like scarcity, sexism, bigotry, racism and fear of others to encourage more public funding for war and security forces. Stock holders of the privatized prison system and the vastly privatized military industry complex, i.e. weapons manufacturing and research and development, see an increase in their investment returns when the government funds these programs (with tax dollars). This creates a disturbing destructive cycle of violence for profit.
      We also see the mainstream media used to promote private corporate interests through advertising of unhealthy food products. One example of how this perpetuates a cycle which is harming the public is with the sorry state of health for many Americans. Chronic diseases are those that can never be healed but only managed. Managing the diseases of the huge numbers of chronically ill Americans is such a money maker for shareholders of pharmaceutical corporations (and all the varied medical devices, and therapies); that there are no realistic imaginings of ever actually going back to the days when illnesses were treated with the intention to cure them.
      When we look at Education this too has not escaped the greedy fingers of corporate privatization vultures looking for a government nipple to feed from. Seeking to turn an easy profit by inserting themselves as middlemen who really only lessen the quality of services to the people while forever increasing costs. 
     These methods of making a living as a 'business man' are labeled as the mark of success in America and Great Britain. Only because mainstream media has for years portrayed it as such by censoring the reality of what is really going on. We must understand how these privately owned corporate entities are working in an orchestrated fashion to weaken and dismantle society and harm the citizenry. We need to also understand that this is criminal activity at the highest level. With the worst crimes being committed by lawyers, politicians and judges writing and passing laws making these treacherous activities legal.
     This is a time when people are connecting with one another all around the world using technology. Finding that we face similar problems from corrupt leaders who want to preserve the status quo. Finding too that much of what we have been told to fear from one another has been nothing more than privately owned corporate media propaganda working in conjunction with these corrupt leaders of industry and politics. 
     It's refreshing to find that people everywhere are interested in moving forward by recognizing human rights. It is also hopeful to realize people are understanding that Capitalists conspire to constantly scapegoat. Pitting one group against another to benefit their war profiteering. 
     Many many of us are disgusted by the blatant breaking of Human Rights Laws by national leaders with their military led agendas. Their complete disregard for solving the problems facing humanity in constructive and humane ways is shameful. An important part to ending the cycle of destruction created by a multitude of national leaders is to first bring everyone on board to the realization of what's been going on. Then together, move forward to a safer, brighter more abundant future for all people. 

~ Stephanie Gilley 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Tech Belongs To Everyone

     Social standards of living as a whole, should be tied to the level of technical evolution achieved by our species. What I mean is that our level of technological advancement must benefit the physiological and psychological standards of the population equally. If we have the ability to advance science, communication and space exploration (mostly funded by public money), yet have hundreds of millions of humans living in substandard conditions, then we have failed to promote, achieve and maintain social equilibrium. 
      Advanced civilizations do not cast off its own kind in order for a select few to hoard profits and micro-manage the direction of so-called progress. An advanced society would use intellectual advancements in technology for the benefit of all. Or it becomes amoral, a self destructive force like alcohol is to the alcoholic, or how heroine is to the heroine addict. 
     Technology exploited and monopolized will eventually destroy humanity. As it advances it will become the enemy of all life. We see this happening with our over the top funding of research and development for weapons of war. Where billions in public money is spent to advance a technology that is then used to kill the public.
     Surely the reason governments exist  in a modern society is to fulfill an obligation to protect the public from being scapegoated, exploited and killed off by the rich. In other words, governments of advanced, civil and intellectual societies have an obligation to promote, achieve and maintain legitimate social equilibrium.

~ Stephanie J. Gilley

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Current Paradigm is Restrictive

     The ways of the 1% do not serve humanity. The monetary system exploits mankind and promotes every kind of evil and destructive force in order to maintain its structure. The ones that benefit the most from it seem the furthest away from the very things that have contributed to human evolution. Cooperation, empathy, and problem solving skills (based on real problems as opposed to purposely created problems). Not to mention a sense of regard for all stages of human development of all genders over the lifespan.
     You see, human beings are in an almost constant state of metamorphosis, not uncommon to many animals on this planet. Currently the systems we are all forced to endure cater mostly to males with the highest testosterone levels. Those that obtain wealth and power during this relatively short time frame of human development, can live long to wreak havoc on the rest of us. They do so by shaping society when   influencing politicians into making laws that suit their desires. This is not natural nor is it healthy for our species or our planet.
     Basically this 'System' exploits men most of all. Getting them to agree to behave as workers and soldiers for the cause of the unscrupulous few. We see that overall happiness, contentment, love, honor, safety, and intellectual development towards wisdom for males is not being nurtured. In every sense it is being stolen from them.  All of these in large part stolen, and replaced with false desires, instantaneous gratification, and unhealthy avenues to express some sense of control in a world severely out of balance. Instead of each man being his own vessel of honor, dignity, strength and wisdom (the natural stages of psychological development for human males) most are left wondering at some point, what the real purpose of life is. Serving a societal framework that seems like it becomes more false everyday, more on the brink of collapse than in a state of purposeful evolution towards something meaningful? Dedication to a society that's more and more exclusionary and anti-ecological than sustaining of the glorious diversity so necessary for the continuation of all life on our planet?
     We are all aware enough now to realize that the Human Species exists within an organic ecosystem. This is big. Another thing we need to keep in mind is that we are a transformational biological life form, that when in its most expressive state of health, acknowledges and is aware of the preciousness of all stages of our metamorphosis from conception to death. It is unfortunate that we are not being allowed to express our evolved potential in this current paradigm. Because our societies are designed and dictated by the 1% and their various monopolizing entities.                                         

~ Stephanie J. Gilley

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Here With Me

Do you know the sound of children weeping?
Does their sadness gladden your heart?
Oh Israel...
You have been given everything
And you have chosen to become your-own-worst-nightmare.
The sound of money changing hands
Above the cries... From your sky ovens.

Nighttime ~ I'm alone.
Buzzing of the drones.
I sit on my bed waiting
For the next bomb blast...There it goes!
It sounds closer and
The building is shaking.
My tears for the taking.
I am alone.
Though if I try
I can feel other souls in this building
Like me ~ All waiting.
With patient... Hope-filled hearts beating.

~ Stephanie Gilley


A poem I wrote and dedicate to the people of Gaza, Palestine.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Unfair Work Expectations Affecting Human Females

     The point is... many Moms don't have a choice, they have to work outside the home to keep a roof over their kids heads. Unfortunately, women are making only an average of 77 cents to the dollar of what a man makes for the same work. While they are also tasked with raising up the next generation (no small feat). No, women should not be required to be a homemaker rearing children her whole life. She should have the opportunity to have a career and other interests beyond the home. 
     But what women are faced with is a dual role where they want to be the best at both. Often in our country because of the lack of interest (as a society) in supporting the Mothering Role, it can easily become humanly impossible. And who do you suppose is expected to take a backseat to the career pressures? The woman, (her health, her time for herself, her household environment) and her children. This is unacceptable and in no way is it the fault of women. Women are subjected to a hostile misogynist American society that pretends they must behave like men in order to "prove" they are equal. (Which IMHO is insane and ridiculous). 
     Everywhere you look in America there are government funded jobs programs geared specifically for men. The Military is just one. The up coming infrastructure projects to the tune of a Trillion+ is another. When working mothers need help to pay for daycare or food, all we hear is crying from supposed "capitalist men". That people should be able to feed their own children or work even harder to do so. For mothers do they mean work harder at dead end jobs with 'unfriendly-to-family' work schedules? Harder at jobs that undercut workers pay because they happen to not have a penis?
    I mean really, women have been in the work force for how long now? We still have only one real career option that works well with kids school schedules, that's being a teacher. Not every woman wants to be a teacher and besides they haven't been hiring teachers since Obama's been in office. REALITY PEOPLE, WE NEED TO LIVE IN REALITY. 
     Many women want to have children, they shouldn't be required to be married to do so. They shouldn't be penalized economically for not having a husband. With the violent crime and rape statistics in this country 6 of every 10 women will have experienced a rape in her lifetime. Is it really so hard to understand why some women  don't want a husband? That maybe some have been so traumatized they find it hard to want to trust a man? With the number of men into pornography, guns, drugs is it so difficult to understand why some women can't find a man or have given up trying to find a man suitable to have in their home around their children?
     I suggest the government spend some time and money creating jobs for women who want summers off for raising their children and evening and weekends off to do the same. Do we really want to steal summers from our children to work a job that could care less about your well-being? Why are there no great paying jobs that are 5 hours 5 days a week while kids are in school? Again, how long have women been in the work force? How long have women been producing, raising, loving, mothering the next generation of the only intelligent beings we know of in the whole universe? Since men rule the world it makes me wonder if they are jealous of women for some reason. Why else would they make things so unnecessarily difficult for us?

Written by Stephanie J. Gilley

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Socialism: OK For Men?

     When we listen to the Main Stream Media we hear an ongoing mantra that has been repeated for more than a decade. Socialism bad, Capitalism good. To see how Americans exist in a fog purposely contrived by the 1%, through their monopolization of the information pathways in this country, one must don their critical thinking cap.
     Looking at data is an idea promoted by the scientific method of problem solving. A time tested way of reaching conclusions in order to determine our location, so that we can chart a path to desired outcomes. In other words, we need to see where we are in order to decide which direction we want to go. If we think we are somewhere when we are actually in a totally different place, we will never be able to logically plan our way to where it is we wish to be. And this is exactly the conundrum the 1% enjoy, a spell if you will which they have cast upon us in order to enable them to reign free.
     Americans have been propagandized to hate anything to do with the mention of Socialism. It conjures up images of the late Soviet Union and the poverty and human misery suffered under that regime. It conjures up images of Cuba and totalitarian government inflicting poverty and militarism on the society there. The Main Stream Media have instilled these images into the mindset of the American populous using high tech visuals and sounds. Combined with scare tactics, negative attitudes and stories of certain doom. This is purposely instigated onto the population with a specific agenda. To promote an economic system of free market capitalism. This economic system is the favorite of archaic patriarchy which is no friend to humanitarianism or equality and in fact promotes racist warmongering, environmental degradation and poverty.
     Proponents of patriarchy do have a soft spot for men at least in as much as being able to control and exploit them for the purpose of making more money for themselves. The 1% of men in control of everything have convinced most of the other 99% of men, that all men are superior and need to rule over the Earth and all the creatures on it including women and children. That everything exists for the pleasure of men to be used as they see fit. Now, even if many open minded men realize this is an archaic and backward view to have towards the world and everything in it, they still need to be aware of it's effects. In fact, life on Earth is dependent on the awakening of male humans to the destructivism and chaos of a widespread mindset promoting  ideas of patriarchy. For in truth, patriarchy is the rule of only 1% of men over all others. Convincing all men that it benefits men in general is a huge propaganda campaign.
     Let's start by determining where we are. Looking at the facts and data is hard to do because they're not pretty. As an intellectual and civilized species we would expect to have, by this day and age, accomplished more. We should have much more to celebrate and be proud of. OK, so that's where we want to go, towards the direction of being a species that has something to offer the universe. Beauty, peace, wisdom and ingenuity more of these is what we all desire. How do we get there?
     Realizing first, that there are in fact many social programs for men. The Military is tax payer funded. A Jobs and "Private Contractor" Corporate Social Program devised to generate livelihoods for mostly men. Wall Street feeds off the Military and is run by a majority of men. Lest we forget Wall St. banks were bailed out by a social program of tax payer funds. Congress, SCOTUS, State and City Governments are all funded by tax payer dollars and are also dominated by men in their employ. Churches are extremely prevalent in the USA. Most of which serve as non-profit money conduits for the men who run them. The NFL is a male centric corporate entity that makes $10 Billion in tax-exempt profit every year. National, State and Local road, highways and bridges (infrastructure) is an ongoing jobs program for again, mostly men. When cities get grants to build anything this is yet another social jobs program for men.

     So, when we hear Republicans and Libertarians bash Socialism we now must immediately call them out. Because men are the biggest benefactors of Socialism in the USA. When we hear the Republican warmongers bash single moms trying to raise kids in a society extremely hostile to women; we need to compare what men get and the insufficient and nonexistent support for women. We need to call them out when they criticize and try to abolish SNAP. Because the reality does not support their anti-social talking points. Shining a light on Male Centric Social Programs is the least we can do to pinpoint our exact location. Allowing men to continue to imagine they are not dependent on social programs would be enabling a lie that perpetuates the archaic mindset of patriarchy.

~ Stephanie J. Gilley

Friday, May 9, 2014

Crystal Clear

     The Republicans push this idea that the money they have is because of something they do better than everybody else, and is therefore deserved. The thing they do better is exploiting people, the legal system, and the environment. They use various forms of cronyism in order to exclude those who are different from themselves. Republicans are the people who think a person deserves to be "ripped-off" if they are stupid enough to trust a salesperson, a politician, or judge. They're the people that thrive in a cut-throat corporate culture that takes as much from the community as it can for as long as it can, just because it can.  They believe anybody who gets hurt in the process represents a weak link and deserves to be hurt. 
     The more we reward this mindset with high wages, low taxes, government subsidies, and lack of regulation; The more mean spirited, callous and toxic our culture and society becomes.