

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Incestuous Nature of Capitalism

     Perpetuating problems to turn a profit is the incestuous nature of Capitalism. Social problems are needed in order to capitalize on the privatization of public institutions. Which are in place to deal with issues many people have been convinced will never be solved. Some even surmise that the more people we have on Earth the more these institutions for public services will be needed. Never considering that with the advancements in science and technology many of our social ills are clearly capable of being greatly minimized using preventative methods. Social sciences like public health, utilizing research in epidemiology, biology, psychology, environmental and neurological sciences have discovered that many of the issues labeled as a permanent part of the human condition are actually quite preventable.
      Today we witness private mainstream media corporations exploiting social problems like scarcity, sexism, bigotry, racism and fear of others to encourage more public funding for war and security forces. Stock holders of the privatized prison system and the vastly privatized military industry complex, i.e. weapons manufacturing and research and development, see an increase in their investment returns when the government funds these programs (with tax dollars). This creates a disturbing destructive cycle of violence for profit.
      We also see the mainstream media used to promote private corporate interests through advertising of unhealthy food products. One example of how this perpetuates a cycle which is harming the public is with the sorry state of health for many Americans. Chronic diseases are those that can never be healed but only managed. Managing the diseases of the huge numbers of chronically ill Americans is such a money maker for shareholders of pharmaceutical corporations (and all the varied medical devices, and therapies); that there are no realistic imaginings of ever actually going back to the days when illnesses were treated with the intention to cure them.
      When we look at Education this too has not escaped the greedy fingers of corporate privatization vultures looking for a government nipple to feed from. Seeking to turn an easy profit by inserting themselves as middlemen who really only lessen the quality of services to the people while forever increasing costs. 
     These methods of making a living as a 'business man' are labeled as the mark of success in America and Great Britain. Only because mainstream media has for years portrayed it as such by censoring the reality of what is really going on. We must understand how these privately owned corporate entities are working in an orchestrated fashion to weaken and dismantle society and harm the citizenry. We need to also understand that this is criminal activity at the highest level. With the worst crimes being committed by lawyers, politicians and judges writing and passing laws making these treacherous activities legal.
     This is a time when people are connecting with one another all around the world using technology. Finding that we face similar problems from corrupt leaders who want to preserve the status quo. Finding too that much of what we have been told to fear from one another has been nothing more than privately owned corporate media propaganda working in conjunction with these corrupt leaders of industry and politics. 
     It's refreshing to find that people everywhere are interested in moving forward by recognizing human rights. It is also hopeful to realize people are understanding that Capitalists conspire to constantly scapegoat. Pitting one group against another to benefit their war profiteering. 
     Many many of us are disgusted by the blatant breaking of Human Rights Laws by national leaders with their military led agendas. Their complete disregard for solving the problems facing humanity in constructive and humane ways is shameful. An important part to ending the cycle of destruction created by a multitude of national leaders is to first bring everyone on board to the realization of what's been going on. Then together, move forward to a safer, brighter more abundant future for all people. 

~ Stephanie Gilley 

1 comment:

John Thomas said...

Good one Stephanie. I can relate to what you're saying & I'm in the UK.

Here's a quote from Lord Acton in, I believe, 1875:

"The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be resolved sooner or later is 'The People v. The Banks'."

He's the same bloke who gave us "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

They're doing all this crap to us via the usurious & fraudulent money system. That's the engine house of our slavery & that's what we need to take down & either abandon money altogether as Ubuntu Contributionism & The Venus Project & the Zeitgeist Movement would have us do or institute interim money systems that operate fairly without usury.

Hopefully we don't have long to wait for positive changes.

Stay safe!