

Monday, December 2, 2013

Recognizing and Punishing Economic Crimes Against Humanity

Written by Stephanie J. Gilley

Many will argue that we have yet to reach the level of what we would all envision as an advanced and humane society. Looking at our world I would have to say there are pockets that have somehow successfully achieved this ideal. I do not include those places that have cultivated the illusion of successful advancement on the backs of their neighbors or by exploiting people and regions far from where they reside. That would be considered cheating. To pretend that the old ways are still OK is laughable, sickening actually. Children as young as 8 understand right from wrong, wastefulness, fair play, respect, equality and dignity why can't our leaders? For people in power to pretend they don't understand or to try and convince us there are no other ways to "get ahead" is a display of their incompetence. To think anything else would put the public in the uncomfortable position of acknowledging our leaders as being criminal. That they have deliberately created conditions in which the majority of human beings live precariously at their mercy. Yes they have purposely put the responsibility onto the backs of the masses by giving us the vote. That way we will always first blame ourselves and each other before we ever could conceive that the problems have been purposely instigated. Sly devils these leaders of ours.
Before any ideal can be achieved it is important to recognize obstacles in our path. How true is our own view of reality? Are we fully aware of our potential? Do we know what institutions are working and which have been compromised? When dealing with perception of reality on a mass scale it is important to realize who is in control of the most influential institutions and their agenda. Do not be afraid to ask questions. For instance, you have a right to know if a small minority of people with their own agenda is in control of any influential institution. Everything should be an open book. When there are secrets with regard to the public domain we have problems, we get corruption. This is why public control of all large institutions is a good thing. If you want a private corporation fine, just don't let it get too big or too wealthy; because then it has the power to endanger society and we as a society don't want that. So size, wealth and secrecy can be signs of potential for powerful corruption. These three need to be restricted, regulated and monitored.
It is wise to look around and recognize what is not working. What is entirely unacceptable in this day and age. Use our advancements in science and technology as a gauge. We have all done this by comparing our ability as a species to have walked on the moon, to the fact that millions of people are still starving on this planet. Now look at our ability to communicate, how quick, how precise. Compare that to the continued use of "The Violence of War" to solve problems and worse yet as an economic booster. These examples demonstrate how our leaders are exploiting old methods that are out of balance with today's world. They do not make logical sense and are clearly unacceptable.
Become aware of how large institutions divide and conquer to retain power over society. Every example used to outwardly categorize humans away from the whole tears at the cohesiveness of society. Excessive focus on gender, race, religion, visual identifiers like skin and hair color, coerced difference, i.e. sports teams; and competition in everything is not natural. It promotes fear of the unknown and hatred for the unfamiliar. Our natural diversity is a good thing because in truth we are almost identical, science has shown us this. So diversity in nature is celebrated and in living genomes it serves to strengthen life not weaken it.
Now to deal with the leaders and their obvious criminality. I has to be done. To ignore this responsibility is to condemn generations of humans to more of the same unacceptable suffering and exploitation. We have achieved conscious awareness of the problem. Of the inadequate ability of the "powerful"  to lead the modern world. We have at our disposal the technology to restrain them and to put into place regulations to keep their type of crimes from happening again. To promote humanity beyond the slavery and indignity of living at the mercy of their violent and unsympathetic whims. There are humane answers to every problem facing us today. We need to remove the obstacles in our path.
~Stephanie J. Gilley


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