

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

How To Debate A Psychopath

We all know Michele Bachmann is as crazy as the day is long. Call it training on her part, to excellently get her talking points out, if you want to. I still see a crazy person. I think her "ability" needs to be addressed because it's not doing anybody any favors as far as improving society. The non-psychopath would never be so charmingly interruptive (subversively rude) to let loose a verbal tsunami, sweeping through an endless litany of absolute non-facts with such confidence. If you haven't seen the interview between Bachmann and Sanders I will try and post it here. You need to see this behavior in action to be able to comprehend and identify it in the future. 

One of the most dedicated and genuine people working in the US Congress, Independent Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont (Jewish) was basically tagged-teamed by two Zionist-Capitalists (at least one a certifiable psychopath) during this interview. This is the sh*t that happens in our corporate media to good people who aspire to public service and 'we the people' suffer for it. The only way to combat this is to identify it for what it is, corruption and criminal behavior. Some might claim if the perpetrators are psychopaths then we really can't call them criminals for suffering from a mental illness. But this is just not true. Serial killers and other heinous criminals are identified as such when they obviously suffer from some mental deficiency that has a hand in how and why they hurt others.  

What should a person do if they're called to debate an obvious psychopath? I say prepare. 
  • Watch videos of them in interviews with others. Learn their talking points, stop the video to write each one down. Then devise an answer for each. Short, sweet and to the point, use facts. Remember, they are on a roll and won't give you time to express your views in the way normal healthy thoughtful people do. Write your answers down, put them on flash cards to learn them so well you can repeat them back in any order. Remember, the facts are on your side. 
  • Also, for each false statement in the videos you review, write down a question to respond with. For instance, when Bachmann says "'s all about jobs, I'm for more jobs," call her on it. Bernie could say, "How can you say that when Congress has never passed the Presidents Jobs Bill?" She will then repeat her lie, and you will reform your question into a statement. "The Congress won't pass the Presidents Jobs Bill so nobody believes you when you say that." Then shame for her for lying by showing you are not alone (millions of us are watching). He could say, "How can you keep saying you care about jobs when the whole world has watched the Republican Congress blatantly ignore the Presidents Jobs Bill for years now while Americans suffer?"... Remember to project your voice calmly and clearly. 
  • They will skip around and come at you with your own issues (crazy, I know). For example, how in the hell could Bachmann accuse President Obama of having an economic war on women, when one of the first actions he took in office was signing the Lilly Ledbetter Act into law? The Republican led House of Congress to this day won't allow it to be enforced, which would give women equal pay.  Be aware of this tactic and be ready to throw your perfectly worded answer in their face. (Have some fun! Lol) 
  • Be prepared for the psychopath to talk over your important words. But know they are important and people need to hear them, even if your opponent doesn't want to hear them. You're not really there to talk to the person you are debating. You are there to bring your message of hope to the people. It gives people hope to see someone stand up to their oppressors. Michele Bachmann is a psychopathic liar, she did it over and over and over again in the interview. It was so shocking a regular person couldn't help but be flabbergasted. And that was entirely her tactic, to render her opponent at a loss for words. 
Whatever you do, please do not be intimidated by a psychopath politician. They are incapable of coming up with original solutions to the problems facing our world. They are incapable of relating to the suffering of people in the ways most of us do. They will make their fake attempts to try to convince their followers that they care. We see in the interview how Bachmann used her voice to whine while talking about the "poor woman" who needs a job. She is not saying anything here, she is actually using the sound of her voice as a weapon which is unexpected because it's what children do. You will be surprised how easy it is to expose that charade with examples of the sadistic and cruel policies they support. 

~ Stephanie J. Gilley 

1 comment:

Njeanous said...

Thank you! I have my own ways of dealing with the psychopathic politician. Usually I use my two favorite words. However, when in public with millions watching I use intellectual condescension and dismiss them with something like “Calm down, I see you’re having some issues with anger management.” All while I’m smiling and looking frigntened.