

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Is The "Survival of The Fittest Millionaires Club" in the US Congress Trying to Destroy America?

Social Darwinism is the idea behind Republican inhumane social, economic, foreign and environmental policies. Poor Americans and those in the middle-class should not be under-served and their interests under represented. We are the majority!  It is obvious to the whole world that millionaires in congress are having a difficult time keeping themselves from preying on the weak. And have difficulty withholding themselves from exploiting the citizens, society, natural resources, and public institutions they are supposed to serve and protect.

Social Darwinism... What is it? A quick google search will bring you to this definition: The theory that individuals, groups, and peoples are subject to the same Darwinian laws of natural selection as plants and animals. Now largely discredited, Social Darwinism was advocated by Herbert Spencer and others in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and was used to justify political conservatism, imperialism, and racism and to discourage intervention and reform. ~

You see, Social Darwinists don't (in their minds) have to adhere to the same social norms of obeying the laws of the land and rules of fair play like the rest of us. They have gained positions where they can now construct the laws to be in their favor and to our detriment. They see this as their being Fit, Fitter than we, the majority.  

How do Social Darwinists in Congress get everybody to call them Christians? 

Maybe we could... Call them out, call them what they are. Don't participate in their PROPAGANDA by adhering to their false identity labels. 

Ayn Rand Worshiping "Social Darwinists" have been masquerading as Christians in an attempt to dismantle the social fabric of America. Enforcing austerity on the majority while they pilfer the public coffers. They are nothing more than 21st century snake oil salesmen. They belong in prison for using their elected positions to inflict economic violence on Americans and for corrupting and offering up the political system to the highest bidders. 

They threaten millions of Americans with the fear of poverty and starvation on a daily basis. They are worse than terrorists because... From their positions of authority they treat citizens as commodities, using them like cattle to grow their own personal Wall Street investment portfolios. Not only are they condescending, corrupt and unconcerned, they are neglectful of their duty to serve the public good.

This group of people has done enough damage and caused enough human suffering using their positions of power to harm the people. It is time to remove them from office. Charges should be brought ~ even if only to send a clear, new tone of public expectations to our public officials.

New regulations to ensure politicians avoid conflicts of interests; And specific standards of conduct for politicians need to be implemented from here on out. 

~Stephanie J. Gilley

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Stephanie, I couldn't agree more with your piece. Politicians particularly Republicans are in partnership with corporations in the fleecing of our country's resources, and human labor. Now that corporations are people, will corporation go to jail for polluting our environment, exploiting worker for penitent in compensation? Or, will their partners come to the rescue and use their influence as a means to slap them on the risk and tell them what they did was prohibited. Send them on their way only to repeat their offense over and over again. I think the latter.

Melvin Lynn